The Stop the Treaties political party officially launches on the 1st December 2023. Our volunteers are already busy signing up members. In order to be registered for the 2025 WA State election we need a minimum of 500 member sign-ups by the end of January 2024 to be able to submit our paperwork to the Western Australian Electoral Commission.
Political parties must be registered one full year in advance of an election. We are therefore asking our new members to share the website, policy brochure and membership form with their social media connections, family and friends so we can reach our goal with plenty of time to spare.
What does it mean to be a Member?
Being a member of the political party is an expression of your support for the political party, its core values and political efforts. Registered members are optionally able to attend member meetings and have a right to vote on policies and issues concerning the political party subject to its constitution.
How do I qualify to be a Member?
You must be a registered voter on the Australian electoral role. You must live in Western Australia. You must fill out and sign our Declaration of Party Membership Form online or download the paper form from our website and mail it to our office. The address on your membership form should match your address on the Australian electoral role. You must fill out one form per person who wishes to join the party. The Party committee also reserves the right to assess your suitability for membership.
What if I am a member of another political party?
That is fine. You can be a member of multiple political parties at the same time. However, some political parties may stipulate you cannot be a member of another party as part of their conditions of membership. That is not the case with Stop the Treaties party.
What does it cost to be a Member?
At present membership in the Stop the Treaties Party is FREE.
Do I have to be a Volunteer or a Candidate?
No. You don’t have to volunteer or be candidate at election time.
Are my membership details kept private?
Yes! Your details are encrypted and kept confidential on our membership register and are not shared with anybody with the exception that we must submit an initial set of membership details for review to the WA electoral commission to assess our enrollment as a political party. The electoral commission may contact you only for the purpose of confirming your membership status as part of our registration process.
I would like to be a Candidate at the next State Election?
After we are registered with the Electoral Commission we will be taking applications for candidates.
Can I donate to the Stop the Treaties Party?
Once we are registered with the Electoral Commission we will be in a position to receive donations from supporters.
How do I buy a Campaign T-Shirt?
Fill out the contact form on our website with your shirt selection and delivery details and we will arrange your order via email. Please allow at least 3 weeks for production and delivery.